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Danicka by day, Princess Danicka by night!

Feb.1, 2015 - It all started. Danicka's mother was doing her hair when she noticed a pimple like bump on her head. Several days went by and after consulting her mother, mother-in-law, and friends, she was convinced Danicka had a bug bite. A few weeks went by and she had reached out to several friends to get their thoughts, including asking her son's barber if it could be an ingrown hair, the pediatrician if it could be a wart, and anyone else that might know. They saw a detmatologist and still were at a loss of what the bump could be. To add to their frustrations, the first bioposy was inconclusive. The thought of having a second bioposy on a 2.5 year old was nearly impossible. The growth began to evolve faster after the bioposy, so the entire bump now the size of a quarter was removed on May 7, 2015. Life was finally getting back to normal while they waited on the results. Basball, Cub Scouts, ballet and their new baby girl were keeping them all extremely busy, which helped pass the time. Then, the call came in; the pathology report came back... it was cancer. 

How We Found Out

About Danicka

  1. My name is Danicka Lacey Fike

  2. Everyone loves a Jersey girl. Lucky for me I am one!

  3. I have Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer

  4. I love the Disney Princesses more than anything

  5. Pink and Purple are my favorite colors!

  6. My idol is Cinderella

  7. My favorite Princesses are Cinderella and Ariel

  8. My favorite movie is a tie between Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid

  9. My favorite holiday -- obviously my birthday! I get presents AND cake!

  10. I am a karaoke goddess - just like my MiMi

  11. I have more fashion sense in my 3 years of existence than some people have in a lifetime

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